The New Colossus Tickets
Knight Theatre | Charlotte, North Carolina
CALLING ALL OF North Carolina! Get ready, The New Colossus is about to arrive in North Carolina. It’s time to get down to the Knight Theatre and witness the most epic event of the year! Mark the date, Tuesday 28th January 2020. The state of North Carolina is excited, prepped and ready to put on one of the greatest shows you have ever seen. If you have never been to Knight Theatre, then WOW you are in for a treat. This place has been home to some of the greatest shows in history and is sure to add another one to the list! The event is pretty much already booked up, so be fast and get your tickets here for a night of unforgettable entertainment.
Everyone in Charlotte is talking about the upcoming performance of legend The New Colossus when they come back to town to perform at none other than Knight Theatre on Tuesday 28th January 2020. This incredible event is the latest in a long line of smashing shows, and could only possibly be presented by the unrivaled Knight Theatre. That’s because Knight Theatre earns its reputation of best venue by bringing the greatest icons and most forceful and enthusiastic personalities to their stage because they pride themselves in ensuring high-quality entertainment for their attendees. But the excitement doesn’t stop there as Knight Theatre also offers bonuses and benefits that have earned it the title of one of the most popular spots in the state. From comfortable seating and a warm and rich environment to easy access parking right around the corner, your visit is going to be relaxing and stylish from the second you arrive. You don’t even have to stress about dinner as Knight Theatre is on the sameblock as some of the greatest restaurants and bars turning it into the perfect way to spend your Tuesday evening. So if you fancy to enjoy the talent of stars like The New Colossus on Tuesday 28th January 2020 then you must ensure you visit Knight Theatre. Click the Buy Tickets button below to purchase your tickets today.